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A PERSON (Quickly and with passion): Reformation lies ahead people. And by the time the Age of reason comes I'll probably be dead. And there's nothing vague about a plague when it kills everyone you know. And when they burn your neighbor as a witch you might ask why, but you just have to let it go.
Out of Primal ooze, claw and fang, misbegotten gains and unseemly sins the world tells its only tale: to begin and begin again. No matter the suffering, no matter the pain, love remains. When dark clouds glower and hope is devoured, look for the light that shines from every good deed, and serve the helpless in need. Look to the victims of fright, and do your best to help their dark night. This is the way to remedy the world: to gather what blossoms we can, and fling them against slings of apathy and arrows of cruelty. We, young as we are, believe again and again that a snowball of love, given time and chance, can spur an avalanche, so strong and strange it becomes a MOUNTAIN of change.

And we are the wind and the trees and the rain and the night
Like eternal refain that's the same and the same
It's again and agin, 'til it sings us to sleep
In the Land of Memory

Darkness cleaves the heart
But I see bright beginnings:
Life, death, hope, change, chance, heart, soul, peace