Music by Mark Nichols, Lyrics by Bob McAllister. This is MP3 Demo stuff from:

IVANHA: The Worst High School Musical In the World

01.Overture 01 Overture 01 Overture.mp3

02 Medieval Music

02 Medieval.MP3

03. CUT    
04.The Worst High School Play In the World 04 Worst High School Play In The World 04 Worst High School Play.MP3
05. Nun's Aria 05 Nun's Aria 05 Nuns aria. mp3
06. Backstory Burana 06 Backstory Burana 06 Backstory Burana.mp3
06b Don't Make Him Dizzy 06b Don't Make Him Dizzy 06b Dizzy.mp3
07. Dark Ages 07 Dark Ages 07 Dark Ages.mp3
08. Rumpladore's Ransom Song 08. Ransome King 08 Ransome King.mp3
09. Blood & Flowers 09. Blood & Flowers 09 Blood & Flowers.mp3
10. Laughter is A Knife 10. Laughter is a Knife 10. Lughter is A Knife.mp3
11. Astrid's Lament 11. Moon a Witches Nose 11. Moon a Witches Nose.mp3
12. Commotion Potion 12. Commotion Potion 12. Commotion Potion.mp3
13. What Makes a Person Evil? 13. What Makes a Person Evil 13. Evil.Mp3
14. Insurance Men 14. Insurance Men 14. Insurance Men.mp3
15. Rumpladore's Threat 15. Rumpledores Threat 15 Rumpledores Threat.mp3
16. Fly Like the Wind 16. Fly Like the Wind 16. Fly Like the Wind.mp3
17. When In The Darkness 17 When In the Darkness 17 When In the Darkness.mp3
18. Recit    
19. Squirrels Discovery of Ivanha    
20. When In The Darkness CUT CUT
21. Ugly Squirrel Blues 21. Ugly Squirrel Blues 21 Ugly Squirrel Blues.mp3
22. Trudy 22. Trudy 22. Trudy.mp3
23. Nothing Left Of What I Thought I'd Be 23. Nothing Left Of What I Thought I'd Be 23. Nothing Left Of What I Thought I'd Be.mp3
24. Rumpladore's Dream 24. Rumpladores Dream 24. Rumpladore's Dream.mp3
25. The 400 Pound Lobster End of Act CUT CUT
********ACT II******* *********ACT II******* *******ACT II********
26. What Is A Woman? 26. What Is A Woman? 26. What is a Woman.mp3
26b. Women of Nottingham 26b. Women of Nottingham 26. Women of Nottingham.mp3
27. I Have Seeds 27. Chastity 27. Chastity.mp3
28. Les Usurpation 28. Les Usurpation 28. Les Usurpation.mp3
29. Salsa Challenge 29. Salsa Challenge 29. Salsa Challenge
30. Druid Prom Queen 30. Druid Prom Queen 30. Druid Prom Queen. m3
31. My Knight 31. My Warewolf Knight 31. My Warewolf Knight.mp3
32. The Rave Nuns    
33. 3-Way Song    
34. The Nun's Cheer 34. Rumpladore Cheer 34. Rumpledore Cheer.mp3
35. Druid Prom Reprise CUT CUT
36. Finaly 35. Finaly 35. Finaly.mp3